Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's so nice to be a parent

I was telling fang yesterday that i was very pleased with fu last weekend when he 乖乖 queued up at the playground to wait for his turn at the slide. He stood behind the line and said "wait" and gestured *wait* with his hand. I was even more pleased when he did that despite an older boy cutting queue.

I believe he learnt turn taking from school. They always queue up to wash their hands and I've seen him standing behind the line to the basin.

Now he's also slowly starting to play with zelda. Toddlers especially boys are known to be ego-centric and usually only engage in parallel-play rather than group-play. Lately, he has been playing with meimei over weekends driving their cars "meimei! Come here!".

What other perks do parents get?
1) holding their little hands while walking them to school
2) returning home with your little one welcoming you with open arms
3) the satisfaction of them finishing the meal you've prepared for them
4) gently cuddling them to sleep at night...

the list goes on... oh one more thing! They're the only ones who'll allow you to practise your hairdressing skill on them and will never blame you even if it becomes a disaster.. :D

So to all the DINKs* out there, what are you waiting for? ;)

* Double Income No Kids


mushroomgarden said...

i think I can do all these with my eric too!

Caroline said...

wah.. i must ask my ah lao to read this :P

duMMySPy said...

aiyo... they looks so alike hor... so cute... wahahahaha.... fu qi nian....