Friday, April 13, 2007

so sad...

Fu missed a few days of school this week and we only started sending him to school yesterday. When I was there yesterday, fu's favourite teacher, Teacher Jialin, was not around. I thought, perhaps she's on MC.

Today I sent fu to school, again Teacher Jialin was not around. So I asked Jacqueline, the VP of the school. I learnt from her that Teacher Jialing had left the school to further her studies....

Fu looked rather unsettled in school without Teacher Jialin. He even cried when I left today. I called the school during lunch today to ask if I can get Teacher Jialin's contact number or address so I can send her a message or card to say thanks or to say our goodbyes properly.. unfortunately the adminstrator does not have her number and has to check with Jacqueline. So far I've yet to receive Jacqueline's return call.

sigh.. so sad... Fu didnt even get a chance to give Teacher Jialin a proper goodbye hug...

1 comment:

duMMySPy said...

so sad... they never inform u all the teacher leaving one meh??? haiz.... hard to get use to someone and really will miss the used person sometimes hor... hope ah fu get use to the other teacher soon lor...