Friday, April 20, 2007

teacher "beat u"' 的典故

those of you who read the comments in my blog may be startled that there's a teacher "beat u". Dont be alarmed.. this teacher didnt beat fu.. i shall clear the air about this so teacher "beat u" will not be charged for child abuse that didnt happen ;)

one night, fu was happily reciting the names of his teachers..
"teacher jia lin"
"teacher irene"...
then came "teacher beat u"

i was shocked when i heard that.. huh? what? he repeated,

"teacher beat u"

i thought and thought.. cannot be.. then *light bulb* oh!!! I know! "teacher abigail"! He cannot pronounce teacher abigial's name properly and addresses her as "teacher bee gail".. hehe.. so now, abigail has become "i beat you".


duMMySPy said...

wow... i will be shock if i hear that... u must be so clever to get it right... hehehehe...

abigail said...

hahaha....thk u sooo much for clearing my name for me, actually ralph knows that he didn't pronouce my name correcrtly, and these days he just call me teacher, no more teacher "beat u"