I really like En (no he's not my favourite. After so many years, I still cannot decide which nephew is my favourite cos they are all so lovable :D ), he and lu being identical twins are so similar in so many ways, but En is I should say.. the more sentimental and gentle one. I really like the way all of them will stoop to Fu's height when they talk to him, and changing their voice to a softer and sweeter tone, but En, he just gives me a different feeling, so full of empathy and sense of big brother. I can never forget the way he applied mosquito lotion for Fu when we were at erjie's place, so full of love!
On the Sunday at Erjie's flat, while Lu played with his toy piano, En was playing with his steering wheel.

Erjie: You're a taxi-driver? Ok, go and make lots of money for mummy.
En: OK
Me: *flagging for taxi*
En: *Big smile*
Me: *pretending to board the taxi* Please bring me to Hougang Ave 10.
En: :-O I dont know how to go to Hougang Ave 10
Me: huh? You must be a very new taxi-driver..
Erjie wanted to go to the room to feed Johann and I conveniently followed her and laid on her bed. Bart came to join us a while later..
Bart: Sanyi, can you play cards with me?
Me: OK, what shall we play?
Bart: ermm.. the biggest win!
Me: OK. (relieved that it's a brainless game)
Bart tried to shuffle and give out the cards, then he said: Sanyi can you do this? I cannot do this very fast. Of cos i happily took over, shuffled and gave out the cards (one for him one for me one for him one for me.... )
I remember Bart used to be a boy who's so afraid to lose (well, how many young children can take losing, even when it's just a game well). He'd sometimes shout and retract his move if he lost. So I was a little weary playing the game with him. I had no desire to win, and that was a game based entirely on luck. Sigh, I was on a winning streak on that day. I felt a little embarrassed winning all his good cards. BUT I was sooooooo pleasantly surprised, he was so gracious when I won his cards. He felt very sayang about it but he still let me take the cards (according to the rules of the game). It's such a drastic difference from the boy I knew before and I felt my erjie has brought her sons up very well.. :* erjie..
Johann was drinking from erjie while we were all on the bed. He's such a (I cant help saying this again) friendly, smiley boy. He will just suck a few mouthfuls and turn around with his bright eyes, milk smeared all over his face, and flash a big smile to me. It's so hard not to smile thinking about it. :)
OK, enough of my blabbering.. it's photo time!Erjie was staying with my mum most of the time during her stay here and they took this lovely picture.
Picture of Zelda holding Johann.. my mum said “三斤猫抱四斤老鼠” Fyi, at the time of the picture, Zelda was almost 2 years old and Johann was merely 8 months old.
Lastly a happy picture of Fu and me. Most of you would have seen this before, it's my msn display pic :)
One night I took Ky's phone and made this picture his phone's background pic. Then he went "hmph? where am I?" I pointed to the small head at the top right of the picture "nairrr"... hehehe
1 comment:
hehehhe... i really really like johann's blur blur looks... so cute....
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