Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pregnancy update

20th June was the last day of my MC and we scheduled my appt with dr kowa.. It is exactly 19 weeks of my pregnancy. I was still pregnant with Angel longer than my current pregnancy..

I rem Angel was a lot more active than little r and I have a tendency to ask little r to move just to feel assured. I wonder whether it's cos Angel belonged to the active type or little r is just too gentle with her movements or that I've built up too many layers of fats then and now to be feel the fetal kicks. Sometimes I attribute Angel's activeness to the fact that she knew her time with me is short and wanted me to feel her while she can...

Once again, I felt really relieved when I saw and heard the heartbeat. Having lost one before it's hard not to feel paranoid..

Another picture of the "3 lines" indicating a vulva. In case you've been trying to figure, it's snapped from bottom up. To the right is the backside and left her legs :)

Stitch was still in place and cervix was still closed

Head diameter: 47.3mm (equivalent to 20wks 2 days)
Head to rump: 136.1mm

Count down:
18 weeks more to full term (37 weeks)

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