Friday, September 28, 2007

Day 24

Today I went to the hospital with a heavy heart. The doctors called this morning to inform that they've stopped feeding Rachel cos she's not digesting the milk well. The surgeon came by and suggested to do a test to check if there is blockage in the stomach. The test they were going to do is called Barium Feed and Follow-through. It involves feeding Rachel (through the tube) a contrast (kind of dye) then taking an xray to see where the dye flows. I asked what'd happen if there's a blockage. The doctors told me that treatment will be required and the treatment is surgery. SURGERY!

As much as I tried to stay positive I couldnt help getting worried. I was feeling very low the whole day. I would be sooooo pained if my own flesh and blood had to go through any surgery.

When I was in the hospital, I asked if godma would like to see Rachel. I would like to give godma the privilege of seeing Rachel first before others. I was also worried that if a surgery is required it will not be as easy to see Rachel. After almost $20 of taxi fare due to a traffic jam, she arrived and here's a picture of their first face-to-face look (godma's bf next to her). Rachel welcomed godma with a rather big amount of poo! :D

Wt: 1.485kg

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