Monday, September 24, 2007

Fu's sporting a new hairdo

Handsome or not? it's fu's first haircut from the professionals. Actually my idea was just to trim and give him a 斯文 hairdo.. but.. nevermind la.. something new for a change :)


duMMySPy said...

hehehehe i thought u suppose to get some gels for him??? kekekeke...

Caroline said...

huh? need meh? girls will automatically flock to him mah.. :P

From Mum and Dad said...

I think you need to gel it down...haha

duMMySPy said...

hahahahaha.... i forgotten to mention... did ah fu slim down???? his chubby cheeks no more liao... hehehehe or angle diff... hmmhmm....

Chew Family said...

hehe...give him a ear stud and a heavy metal necklace and he will look so yooo.... :D

abigail said...

hahaha...the new hair do look so cool, it'll look like that when u try to keep their hair longer, that happened to my son too =]
the hair will stand to a point they cannot tahan, then all will come down.