Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First post-discharge review

Tomorrow ting would have been 38weeks old. I think I've mentioned in one of the entries before, ting will have 2 ages as she was born on the 30th week, we have to give her 2.5months "discount", that will be her corrected age. All her developmental milestones will be based on the corrected age but vaccinations can be based on her birthdate.

We went to SGH's O&G centre for ting's first post-discharge review and can you believe it? she's 2.6kg! yeah yeah yeah.. i'm so happy. :) Ting also took her BCG jab today since she's past the 2kg mark. Her next review will be 6 weeks later.

For some unknown reasons, Ting was vomitting alot last night. From 11pm till 3am this morning. I think the correct term should be regurgitated alot as what came out were undigested milk and sometimes clear liquid (even though she has not ever taken water..). Dr S. Ho was not worried about that as there were no other unusual behavior and she was fine this morning.

When I was changing for Ting in the wee hours, she let out a rather piercing scream and woke Fu up. I felt bad and said "sorry boy". He sat up, rubbed his eyes and said "sorry mummy". Oh, that was all so sweet... My mum came in to check and Fu told my mum "妹妹这么大声", what was nice about it when he said that was he didnt seem to mind at all... :)

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