Friday, November 23, 2007

Happening day!

Ah... i had wanted to blog about this day for sooo long... but i procrastinated and procrastinated... part busy, part tired, part lazy. The amount to write seemds to be a little daunting..

Today is
1) our "helper collection day"
2) fu's meet-the-parents' session
3) our wedding anniverary
4) CCAS night... (a black tie event which i eventually didnt attend :P)

I think it's too much to write everything let's just skip 1 and 4. :P

I didnt look forward to fu's meet-the-parents session as much as I did to the last one. Probably cos there's no novelty since it's not the first one.. probably also cos my favourite teachers, jialin and abigial are no longer there. I knew what to expect for the session and what the teachers said of him were all within my expectation.

"ralph is vvverrrryy intelligent and veeerrrryyyy cheeky"
"he's very sporty, he takes part in everything"

in school, fu loves to play with the older children. The names of friends he mentions at home are always those bigger boys/girls. Since this is the end of the academic year, I was concerned that fu will not be able to see many of his favourite friends when he returns to school next year as they will be promoted to primary 1. So i asked the teachers who will be the ones who are going away.. The teachers mentioned a few names then assured me not to worry..

"he's very sociable he makes friends vveery quickly"

I thought what 吕老师 said of him was very funny. She said that fu will take part in singing and sometimes he will suddenly realise that he is singing too loudly and soften himself again.. ha ha ha.. ky and i had a good laugh hearing that.


it's our 4th wedding anniversary and we left fu with my mil and ting with my mum and went for dinner. The venue for dinner had to be carefully chosen. It's a friday and we didnt want to get ourselves stuck in the weekend jam. So i suggested to ky that we should head to the airport, whcih is neither far from my mum's or my mil's place, for dinner.

when we were at the void deck, i suggested to ky that i'd drive. When i was behind the wheel, i discovered that i had to use all my concentration just to keep within the lane! It felt like i had forgotten how to drive and since all my concentration was taken up to keep the car in the lane, I had to ask ky to give me precise instructions on when to turn as i lost all my navigation ability. So lousy.

Of cos i had to find a scapegoat for the lousiness :P

I told ky, before we got married, I knew how to drive stating examples of me driving the manual opel astra even without his presence. So, it was "all his fault". haha..

Driving aside, I thought it was a very nice dinner date. We had very ordinary food at Breeks. While at the airport walking to Breeks, I told ky that he has to make up 50% of the conversation. Those of you who know us enough will know why i said that. When we're together, either we're BOTH not talking, or ONLY I'm talking. I told him that when i asked "my question" in facebook "why did you marry your husband/wife?" and i saw one of the replies, "We have so many things to talk abt. So he is a good life time companion....never run out of thing to say to each other... hahaha. Talk talk talk....:)" I was sooooooooooo envious (hehe.. you know who you are ;P). I think that did the trick. I think he did talk for 50% of the conversation.

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