Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chinese New Year

I remember I used to detest CNY when I was younger. I can list the reasons to you:

1) I'm not a fan of shopping so I almost never have any new clothes and it's kindof stressful on the first day as we had to go visiting.
2) I'm not a fan of new year goodies.
3) It's boring, all the shops are closed.
4) No proper food to eat cos the markets are closed too.

To me, the only good thing from CNY was getting angbaos.. but one good thing is not enough to make up for the above.

In the recent years, I realised that I dont detest CNY anymore. Yes, the 4 points still stay, but one thing's changed and that single point more than enough makes up for any "bad" things of CNY. 带我的孩子去拜年让我觉得脸上有光。 :)

Click on the picture to see more

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