I had given specific instructions to our helper even before i confirmed her that she can only speak to the children in bahasa. We didnt want to be in a situation that fu's already imperfect english be corrupted by the way aeni speaks. There's really no need to guess what fu first words from bahasa, satu, dua, tiga... fu has already mastered counting from one to twenty fluently in bahasa. Something he had surpassed me cos I often need to count with my fingers to figure out that lapan is 8 when our malay counterpart asks to press the number of the lift :P
last night fu was in his counting mood again.. this time not in bahasa. he started counting from twenty-something.. i happily joined in... shaking our head from side-to-side rhythmically as the numbers progressed.
twenty-eight, twenty-nine...... firty! Fu's teachers must had been trying to teach the children pronounce "th" properly. A mean feat for a 3yo. "th" is as a result often subsituted by "f". Something which even we adults are guilty of, saying "teef" instead of "teeth". That's alright, he'll master that someday.
We happily counted till sixty.. and i prompted him..
me: what's the next number?
fu: no we have to stop already.
me: oh we have to stop already?
fu: yes! we have counted too much..
me feeling pleased that he can already count to 60...: ok ok.. :)
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