Thursday, May 21, 2009

games.. games!! games??

Yesterday on our way back to the office from lunch, we were having a hearty childhood card games chat in the car as I bought two new games to introduce to fu, "Happy Family" and "Snap".

Then I was sharing with my colleagues something about fu.

He has to play all the time. If he’s not sleeping, he HAS got to be playing something of some sort. That applies even during our car journeys. So in our car rides, we’re either playing
1) scissors, paper, stone or
2) some invented games like,

  • “Who can name more theme words (e.g. animals)” then we’ll take turns to name animals and the person who’s first to repeat the animal will get a loud “DEH!”
  • “Who is the first to spot something (e.g. a yellow car)”
  • When the car is moving, we can only speak in mandarin (then he'll be very quiet.. haha)
  • When the light is red, everybody must sleep!

Now, my game ideas are almost exhausted. Other than "Simon Says" which I've not played with him in the car, I'm afraid I'm really running out of ideas! The games have got to be something that that I don’t have to use my hands cos sometimes I’m busy with ting as well.

So ideas anyone?


mushroom said...

hahha...sorry this mushroom has run out of ideas as well....cannot contribute much my big sweep...

Caroline said...

aiyah... still give me false hope.. i was so excited to see a comment here!