Monday, March 05, 2007

Car sharing

When I was on compulsory leave over CNY, eng came to my mil's place so she could spend some time with fu. When fu was taking his nap, eng and I went to the car showrooms and we were looking at small cars.

Since then I have been dreaming of having my own four wheels. Well, I guess this will remain as another sandcastle. Hmmm.. Since this is for an automobile I shall call it a sandcar . Hehe.. I've never been fond of the idea of having a car each for husband and wife. First, we're not that rich. Second, I don't think we really need to have a car each. Third, I think it's unromantic to travel in different cars. So what happens when we go dating (well, not that we date each other often, we do go out for dinners when we have the time and when it's not imposing for my mil to do overtime)? So now what with two cars? We'll drive to our meeting venue separately and after that drive home separately. Oh... How romantic right? :S

Just today, I came out with a brilliant idea when I was sitting in the car while ky's driving. "If only our car can be cut into two". Left half and the right half. When we send fu to mil's place, we'll travel in the whole car. When ky leaves for work, he takes half the car and leave me with the other half. Then I can send fu to school with half the car and thereafter go to work with it. Can u imagine the number of advantages it has?

1) we can reduce petrol consumption since it's cut into 2, unless both sides are being driven, only half the engine capacity need to be working.

2) true mobility. I no longer need to depend on the public transport and I no longer need half hour to send fu to school.

3) still romantic. "i'll come and pick u up" is still possible. Either I can drive to ky's office or ky and drive to mine to have our cars merged for our date together. :)

4) our car being a six seater (3 in front and 3 behind) means we can split the car into a 2 seater and a 4 seater. One of them will still be able to function as a normal sedan to ferry others when required.

Wow.. The thought of it is so cool leh.. I think i'm going to be champion at building sandcastles and sandcars already. Hehe..

1 comment:

duMMySPy said...

u can continue to dream... proposed this idea to some japanese or european... wahahahaha....