Monday, March 19, 2007

New term, new schedule

Today is not just fu's first day of school after his first term break, it also marks the beginning of his 3 hours preschool session. Even though I only decided to start him on 3 hours session after the VP and I both agreed that he's ready for it, I still felt anxious today. During the term break I would tell him that when school reopens, he'll attend 3 hours of school and popo will fetch him later. He would always repeat what I said to him but i'd always wonder whether he understood.

As expected, I was worried this morning that he'll start looking for popo after his snack time as he used to. Since that is the time when the teachers will bring the children down to wash their hands, Fu would always take that opportunity to peep through the doorway to look for popo.

So today after lunch, I promptly called my mil even though I was almost late for an appointment. I seldom call because I find it disturbing to run to the phone when looking after a rather hyperactive child. I was both pleased and relieved that my mil said fu was alright and the teachers commented that he was ok with the extension too.

Even though it took 10 weeks of school to finally achieve my target of fu attending daily school of 3 hours session, I still feel very proud of my little big boy... and tonight... I will sleep with a big smile on my face.. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yee yee so proud of you too fu :)