Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Some pictures :)

can you imagine i didnt meet up with my erjie and her handsome sons until Sunday? Plus guess what? I was in such a hurry to see them on sunday that i forgot to bring my digital camera!

luckily i still have my dopod with me. I took some pictures of johann and here's why i'm so crazy over him...

Johann is such a smiley, chubby little baby.. he's soooo lovable!

My erjie took this picture and said I look so "mother".. well, the grammatically correct word should be motherly.. :P i like it.. 一幅幸福的样子:

you like it? :D


Anonymous said...

yes. i like it.
very contented look hor? :D

From Mum and Dad said...

How??? I love both of them!!!! SO LOVABLE!!!

Anonymous said...

erh...now then i find that all you sisters look very alike leh...including yr meimeiz...cheers!

Anonymous said...

Lovely !
Fu looks so "manja" and Johann is such a cutie :)

duMMySPy said...

heheheheh... so nice.... i like the green johann... hehehehe... i like the shy ah fu too... u looks so contented... hehehehe...