Monday, May 07, 2007


my ah lao is definitely not the most interesting guy to be with.. :P

he probably doesnt know it but I sometimes tell my friends that he's the best husband I will ever find.. well.. other than not letting me cut his hair lah *wink to nic*..

besides being a superdad..

  • he lets me sleep late over weekends and will get up to take care of fu even though he slept few hours later than me the night before
  • he will tell fu "dont disturb mummy, mummy is sleeping" when i'm taking naps in the afternoon..
  • i have never touched the washing machine..
  • i was having a craving for this rice dumpling 粽子 from a shop and I told him one night at about 9pm. The next day, he was to attend his class at 7.30pm. I got a call from him and he was on his way to buy the dumplings.. and will drop them at my mil's before going for his class.. :D
  • sometimes he can be quite clever when he talks.. recently i was telling him that his mum pamper her children so much that they dont know how to cut fruits.. he cleverly said "cos my mum knows i will have a good wife to cut for me".. hee..
  • his gentle peck on my cheek before he lies down to sleep..

hehe... ok i better stop otherwise someone will complain too bah.. :P


From Mum and Dad said...

Haha, when you read other people's bahness, is ok. But when you write about your own....goose pimples start coming out :P

duMMySPy said...

so sweet so sweet... hehehehehe... so cute so cute... hehehehehe