Monday, May 07, 2007

short but sweet return part 1

This is a long overdue post...
Erjie came back to Singapore when the boys were having a two weeks term break. Can you imagine we only got to spend one Sunday morning together? Sigh.. that was the time when fu was down with mycoplasma pneumonia..

still, I had a great time on that Sunday morning at her place. The day ago, they went to the goat farm and I was glad when the boys had a good time. I really love them for their chattiness. I had a great time just chatting with en and lu..

me: did you go to the goat farm yesterday?
Lu: Yes! and the dragonfruit farm and the cow farm too! The cows are so funny! One cow pee and pass motion and another cow drink the urine!! hahahhahaha!
me: (shocked, looking at erjie who was nodding her head).

Here's a picture of us enjoying conversation. Lu is in yellow sleeves and surrounded by En and Fu. Lu was playing with his piano and singing.. ok.. you can sing along.. (Jingle bells tune)

"cow cow cow... cow cow cow.. cow cow cow cow cow...."

"pig pig pig... pig pig pig.. pig pig pig pig pig..."

*holding his toy cellular* "hello Mr Pig? Are you coming?"

"cow cow cow....."

heheh... cute right? to be continued...

1 comment:

duMMySPy said...

i really like to see so many kids together playing... must be very fun right??? so joyrous...