Thursday, October 04, 2007

my big baobei

we continued to be separated when I was recovering from stomach virus as a safety precaution. Zelda was still having episodes of vomitting and we didnt want to take the risk to spread that to fu.

On Rachel's 满月, my inlaws brought 2 cakes over to my mum and I went downstairs to bring them up. Fu looked so cute inside the lorry. I wished I could bring him upstairs.

When I got upstairs, I was almost in tears cos at that time, I realised how much I missed him..

1 comment:

duMMySPy said...

wow... he more and more handsome liao leh... how come u cannot go down hug him arh? no matter what, seperation with love one is always unbearable... jia you... soon soon u will be able to have the whole family reunited...