Friday, October 19, 2007

Rachel's DISCHARGED!!!

hip hip hurray! Rachel was discharged yesterday (18th Oct 2007) afternoon, discharge weight: 1.925kg. Now our family is truly reunited. :)

My mum calls Rachel 婷婷 and I find that very cute. From now, I'll refer to Rachel as "ting" (第二声).

I'm going to enjoy my motherhood. Photos will be uploaded on later date...

Thank you for all your prayers...


duMMySPy said...

huarray... i am very happy for u... :) no matter what happen, take care....

αďεℓ said...


A big pat on your shoulder my friend! All your hard work is showing great results :)

Let us know when we can visit.

Many HUGS.

Anonymous said...

hooray for you my friend. take care. : )

Gina said...

Congratulations!! That's so wonderful.. When can I see the beautiful 婷婷?

Caroline said...

when you come to my mum's place lor.. ;)