Saturday, June 04, 2011


I had such a great time going out with you. We had a number of things to accomplish, i.e. to collect our passports, to see Dr Belinda for your complaints of chest pains, to Dr Kowa's clinic, to collect a watch mummy sent for repair, to change Dajie's helper's air tickets. We swiftly completed our tasks and also had time for lunch, browse at Borders, shopped at popular bookstore and bought 2 waterbottles, one for you and one for your sister.

You agreed, though reluctantly, not to bring your DS lite and my iPad and as the choices were limited at nainai's place, you chose to bring a heavy dictionary as your time-filler. The mere act of talking and walking with you hand-in-hand in all those places made my head swell with pride and heart filled with love.

More pictures here.

Fu's height and weight taken at Dr Bel's Clinic: 117cm and 21.4kg

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