Thursday, June 09, 2011

To SAM with Ting!

I didnt have to consider at all whether or not to go with ting to her field trip. With my new job, I can no longer take leave for such occasions. Yes the management think teachers are indispensable... ok not worth elaborating here.

I tried so hard to ask Fu to go along but now that he's in primary school, he is adamant that whatever his kindergarten does is babyish to him. :S I was afraid that he may get bored when I was not with him so I brought him to the Marine Parade Library to get him to borrow enough books in the morning to fill his afternoon while I was away. BUT MY SLIPPERS HAD TO BREAK?! I then wore (without owner's permission) big-footed mushroom's YSL slippers which were of cos over-sized for me. Sorry my feet didnt do the brand justice but I had no other choice at my mil's place!

Nevermind! I had a good time with ting. I was really glad ting followed instructions well and was attentive. I was not so glad at how some of the teachers seemed to be just mindlessly getting through the programme.

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