Monday, July 09, 2007


One thing I notice about being pregnant is that I always get 2 days' MC when I see the GP. Reason being that most GPs are very cautious with the medicine they prescribe so they always prescribe rest.

So I'm on 2 days' MC today and tomo due to a throat infection and I was at my mil's pl. Fu's still not fully recovered so I gave him his dose of clomine and the ventolin inhaler. The bottle of clomine at my mil's pl was prescribed most recently on last friday's visit to dr bel. I took the bottle and was surprised to see that each dose is 3ml instead of 2.5ml printed on the bottle at home.

My reaction? I was happy.. :D hee.. Is it weird? Some of u would have guessed why: Dosage is in accordance to the size of the child. :)

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