14th June, a day that I was kindof looking forward to yet kindof dreading at the same time. Fu’s and ting’s 姑姑 was to get married on that day. And fu was tasked to be the “ah gu” to open the car door for the groom. It’s not the waking up early that I was dreading of, I was dreading the fact that we’ll arrive at popo’s house without 姑姑's high-pitched “baobao….” And “姑姑的婷婷在哪里?” those are sounds that even I had gotten attached to.
With an important task at hand, we arrived at 7.15am at popo’s house. Fu was not too happy from the start as the sofas were rearranged to make space for guests. He went into popo’s room to find 姑姑 being dressed up. He ran over to me and told me, “mummy, 姑姑 is a princess.” Shortly after, he came to me again and spoke softly and sulked, “mummy, I don’t want 姑姑 to be a princess.”
I wonder if he understood what getting married means. I was explaining to him a few days prior to the big day that 姑姑 will be getting married and “uncle” will become 姑姑s husband just like daddy is mummy’s husband. Uncle will become “gior diar” (姑丈 in hainanese) similar to how ZH become “dua dior” (大姨丈or 大姑丈 in teochew) and 姑姑 will become uncle’s wife just like mummy is daddy’s wife…
Fu opened the car door after lots of cajoling and the day went on with the usual wedding day stuffs. Fu remained sad when 姑姑went away with XL. He kept saying “I want 姑姑" and he even said “I lost 姑姑". He’s certainly attached to his doting 姑姑. I also had my first cup of tea from newly weds. I had a chance to have another prior to this at my cousin’s wedding but missed it as I was feeling the effects of first trimester pregnancy.
Fu seemed happier at the wedding dinner even though he was still asking for 姑姑. I guess he was not used to seeing 姑姑 but not having much attention from her. At dinner, I thought I heard people calling out “ah fu!”. I was confused. The Rao family never call him fu. That’s something my family and friends call him. I tried to spot the people calling him but those were not faces I’m familiar with.
When dinner commenced, ky and I did not have the luxury of just enjoying dinner being with a 7months old and a 3.5yo both full of energy. We had to take turns to walk our children. I was walking up and down the aisle a lot, sometimes carrying ting, sometimes pushing her in her stroller, sometimes hand-in-hand with fu. It was difficult walking from one table to another cos we’ll be stopped by lots of the rao’s relatives to “disturb” and to take a better look at my adorable children. As I walked along the aisle.. I was feeling like a celebrity…..’s mother.. haha.. It felt like the whole crowd knows me, err.. my children. I would hear people exclaiming “so cute!”, “oh so that’s the favorite boy!”. A beautiful lady, Carol (Hi Carol! if you’re reading this), even walked up and chatted with me. She told me about reading my blog about fu’s hospitalization and her son’s experience of stomach flu. Of course I checked out her blog when I got home and oh my, han’s experience was indeed very terrifying.
It’s only after wedding dinner that I realized how “big” fu is in gugu’s company. No wonder she told me he has a fan club.. haha..
I wish I have photos to share but I was busy taking videos and that’ll be too huge a file to share.. so…. Sorry, no pictures… argh.. what a pity..
Congratulations to the newly weds! May you be happy, always.. :)
Yeah! I've got a picture to upload (the only one i have not).. we were laughing at the funny cameraman hhee.. candid shot so didnt suck in my chin..
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